Word of God


  According to Smith's Bible Dictionary (Page 92). The first book ever printed was the Bible, and there is no other book that can come close to the number of Bible's printed.

  But what if there were no Bible's? what would the world be like? First thing that comes to my mind is we would have no knowledge of sin, what is good or what is bad, nor the knowledge that there is life after death. People would think once your dead, your dead. So then people will have the attitude to live life for all the pleasures you can, they will say, "Do whatever it takes to make you happy, for we are here for but a short time." So then rape would increase, child molestations would increase, drunkeness would increase, thefts would increase, and all manner of wickedness would increase.

  Without the Bible there is no guidance to show us how we are to live, what is right, what is wrong, what is good, and what is evil. But thanks to God, He gave us the Bible which are His Words to us, to inform us how we are to live, and teach us how to attain the Kingdom of Heaven where He dwells.

  There are many people who make comments like these: "The Bible was written by ordinary men", or "Some things in the Bible are false or inaccurate." or "Parts of the Bible no longer apply, because the times have changed" or " There are many contradictions in the Bible" Verily i say unto you Those who say such things are a wicked generation, who shall taste the wrath of God. For they think in their hearts that the Word of God is false or incorrect, making God a dishonest and deceitful God, by allowing His children to live by false doctrines. Do they not believe that God is all powerful, creator of all things on Earth, and in the Heavens? So why do they think He would allow His Word to be corrupted or incorrect. But i assure you that every word, every verse, every chapter, and every book is factual and true. If the Bible were not true, then by what means will we know how to live and how to attain an everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven? We would have none. Woe to all those who think the Bible is incorrect, for how will they enter into Heaven, when they do not have any true guidance, but only a book which is false. Scientist and scholars have tried to prove the Bible wrong for years and the more they try, the more they prove it to be correct. If congress passed a law and later find it to no longer apply, they would change that law. Is not God more than Congress ?

  Woe unto those who do not believe that the Word of God is accurate, for they believe in the parts that they agree with, but the parts they don't agree with, no longer apply, Making themselves righteous in their own eyes, and making the Words of God inaccurate. It would have been better for those people if they were never born, For when God's wrath comes, they will seek death and will not be able to find it, and death will flee from them.

  Most people misinterpret the Words of God because they try to put their own meanings to the verses. God did not make the Bible confusing, we as humans make it confusing. What it says is what it means, It's that easy. Example:

  • I Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 

  98% of people says that verse means they are not allowed to preach. However it does not say that. It says women (females) are not permitted (can't) speak (talk) in church. There is no interpretation needed. what it says is what it means. But because people don't agree with it, they will pervert the Word of God to fit what they do agree with, twisting God's Words to make it man's word.

  Woe to those people who add their own meanings to versus and teaches precepts of men and not of God. When interpreting the Word of God use the golden rule of interpretation which is:

<<<<< When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense: therefore, take every word at it's primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning, unless the facts of the immediate context indicate clearly otherwise.>>>>>

  If you were a King of a country, and had millions of people in your kingdom. Would you not write down laws for your people to live by? If you truly cared and loved your people, You would give them laws to live by, to protect them, and lead them into a good life, and to lead them in the way that you ( as King ) want them to be led. Now you will have to get people to write down your laws for the people. It is not for you to do, you are the King, you are going to have others do that. So you would choose men that you know and trusted, you as King would have knowledge of who you chose to write down your laws. And you would choose wisely. Now you choose 12 men to write down your laws. As King are you going to make sure that the 12 men are writing down the laws as you would have them wrote? i would think you as the King who loved his people would make sure that the laws the 12 men were writing down were in fact your laws and not theirs. Also being a knowledgable King you know that your laws will be around for centuries even after you are gone, so you write the law in such a way that applies today as well as applies centuries from now. And you are such a powerful King that if a law did get wrote and it is not your law but the law of one of the 12, then you would have that law removed, you are King, you can do anything.

  So i ask you How is God different then the above story?

  If God were a God of the Universe, and had trillions of people in His Kingdom. Would God not write down laws for His people to live by? If God truly cared and loved His people, God would give them laws to live by, to protect them, and lead them into a good life, and to lead them in the way that God( as King  of Kings ) want them to be led. Now God will have to get people to write down His laws for the people. It is not for God to do, God is God, God would have others do that. So God would choose men that He knew and trusted, God would have knowledge of who He chose to write down your laws. (Matters of fact God would know everything that each would do and what each would write even before they wrote, remember He is God) And God would choose wisely. Now God chose 12 men to write down His laws. (Which were called Disciples) As God He is going to make sure that the 12 men are writing down the laws as He would have them wrote? i would think He as God who loved His people would make sure that the laws the 12 men were writing down were in fact HIS laws and not the Disciples laws. Also being a knowledgable God He knew that His laws will be around for centuries , so God wrote the law in such a way that applies back then and today as well as applies centuries from now. And God is such a powerful God that if a law did get wrote and it is not Gods law but the law of one of the 12, then God would have that law removed, He is God, He can do anything. God could have every Bible in the World simutaneously corrected. Well the God i worship can do this, What God do you worship?

  Lets take a moment and reflect on that last statement What God do you worship? If you are a person who believes the Word of God is incorrect, and/or ordinary men wrote the Bible, and/or The Bible no longer applies to today. Then this is what we can conclude about your God.

1) He makes mistakes, because :

        a) He had men write the bible instead of doing it Himself

        b) He didn't make sure that what the 12 were writing was in fact correct

        c) He failed to write a Bible that would apply for all time, and not just for the present

2) He is uncareing, because He allowed His word to be wrong and did not correct it

3) He is not powerful, because He does not have the power to correct His mistakes.

  NAY, The God i worship, makes no mistakes. He knew when Christ was coming back and made His Word to apply even until Christ comes. The God i worship has power above and beyond what we could fathom. So i truly believe if God made the world exist by His mere words, i would think His mere words could also correct any mistakes in His Word if in fact there were any, which i do not believe there is. i would not worship a God who would allow His Word to remain incorrect, who would allow His children to be led astray by false doctrine. Who would allow His word to be difficult to understand for His children. NO the God i worship is the True God, All Powerful, All Loving, All Knowing, and a God that NEVER makes mistakes.

  Who do you worship? i know the one i worship.

  If you speak English, then the Bible for you is the King James Version. God made the Hebrew Bible for the Hebrews, and so on, when the Hebrew and Greek was being translated into English, God was there to see that it was done correctly, and in His timing also. For there were attempts several times before the KJV was printed to print an english Bible, but the timing wasn't right, but it led the way to the King James Version, which God knew would be around for thousands of years later, that is why when the King James Version was being translated God was there, and saw to it that it was done according to how He wanted it, He is God, and is able to do this, and did this. Therefore the King James Version is the Bible that English speaking people are to refer too for the Truth. Now all other translations that are out right now, came up because they felt the King James Version wasn't done good enough, and that it needed to be interpreted again, this God was not there for. It is not God's fault that people thought the King James Version was in need of interpretation, they do error in their thinking. God made sure it was interpreted just the way He wanted it to be, that is why it is still here to this day, and will always be here, other versions will come and go, and other versions will be revised, and revised again, redone over and over again, but there will always be the King James Version, for it is the Truth.

  Consider this :

  • Acts:5:36: For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought. 37: After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed. 38: And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: 39: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
  The King James Verson is still here to this day, and will be here till Christ Returns, all other translations of english to english will come to nought, as they have been and will continue to do. Am i then saying it is wrong to read other versions ? No, only that the King James Version should be the sole source of Truth, and to always compare what you are reading to that of the King James Version. If there is a conflict between a version you are reading now and the KJV, then the KJV is correct and accurate, and thus is the one to believe over all other translations.

In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ