
  It makes no difference what you believe concerning this subject, it will not get you Saved, nor will you enter into the Kingdom of God because you have this knowledge. And i have added this chapter so that you may know the Truth concerning this topic, If you are able to bear it. i know, that some will not be able to bear this Truth, and will be unable to believe it, and that is fine. there is no sin there, no wrong done. again i will say. Believing in Reincarnation or not believing in Reincarnation has no effect on your Salvation.

  Does the Bible support it, i would say yes it does. Now a lot of people will think right off, that this is nonsense, But even Jesus Christ supported this belief. i never believed in reincarnation until i started studying the Bible. Here is a fact, Most all religions except for the catholics and Christians, believe in reincarnation. And Jesus never once denied it's existence. Jesus Christ said in :
  • Mt:16:28: Verily  I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
  Do you think they are still here in the flesh all the way from Jesus's day over 2,000 years ago? But Jesus was referring to their spirit. Which He knew would continue on and on even until the day of His Return (side note, there is a school of thought that teaches there are two that were there 2,000 years ago, and are still present today, and are the two witnesses that are to come, i know not)

  i use to have a real problem with understanding why God would allow all the children of Bethlehem to be killed, also in Noah's day when the world was flooded, there were millions of people at that time, men, women, children, and babies, that were all drowned. In Sodom and Gommorah there were children there as well, yet all perished. All throughout the Bible there are many cases where God allowed children to be killed. And no where in the Word of God does it say children go to Heaven when they die, or when they are killed. Now that statement might upset some people, but it is nonetheless Truth. We like to believe that they do go to Heaven. Those who have lost a child want to believe they are in Heaven as well, it comforts them to believe this, and so be it. But the Bible does say there is only one way to enter into the Kingdom of God, and that ONLY way is through knowledge and belief in Jesus Christ. NOBODY can enter into Heaven without a personal relationship with Christ, Nobody can enter into Heaven without being Saved. so then where in the Bible does it say children are excluded from this rule, or that they are an exception? It's not. But fret not, God's ways are righteous, and even if a child is taken out of this world, that child's spirit will still live on, in another body. that child will experience love and joys, sadness and angers. and will have the opportunity to accept Christ as his/her personal Savior. All spirits will. (for more knowledge click on Spirit Within or Where After Death)

  But the main problem i had, was understanding how God could be a fair God, and Judge righteously, For example, a female is born and raised in the city, another female was born and raised on a country farm, They both die, When they stand in front of God on Judgment Day, How can He possible judge them equally, For the one in the City, had by far more temptations then the one who was in the country, The one in the city was surrounded by more evil, then the other. i could not understand How can God Judge fairly, when one person is in a total different environment than someone else, What about a man and woman are they judged equally as well, what about someone who is 19 compared to a person who is 80. But it is written that God is fair, and has no respects of persons, just because someone is older He does not respect him/her any more then the 19 year old. All sin is equal in His eyes.

  Another example is children, if a person is killed at the age of 34 and a child is killed at the age of 7, How could God judge them fairly and equally, when the one is 34 and the other 7. If then children go to Heaven then those who have an abortion or kill their children have made it possible for their children to go to Heaven, even if they themselves are not. If this is the case, to where children go to Heaven, then why aren't people killing their children so they ensure their children will go to Heaven (God forbid), i mean isn't that the most perfect sacrifice for your children, that you would kill them, and guarantee them entrance into the Kingdom of God to live for eternity, if in fact children go to Heaven. God forbid Nay. i mean if a child, when killed goes to heaven, then why would i not kill my own children to guarantee them into Heaven instead of letting them live their life and possibly not enter into the Kingdom of God, Because of the ways of this world. This is ridicules. People would not do this. where is it written in the Words of God that children go to Heaven? just wandering. for i haven't read it any where, it is something that people assume. The only way a person (correct me if i am wrong) can get to heaven according to what the Word of God says, is to become born again, by accepting Christ. where does it say there is an exception for children?  i do not believe babies and/or children go to Heaven, and i will explain why i believe this.

  In order for God to judge righteously, everyone that He judges has to have experienced the same temptations as the next person, that person would had to have been a man, a woman, a slave, a rich person, a poor person, young, old, healthy, lame, crippled, born defected in some way, and so forth. You see God gives everyone many chances, and i mean many chances, as a woman, as a man, being rich, being poor,
young, old, healthy, lame, crippled, born defected in some way, and so forth. God allows us to have many different lives, in the hopes that one of those lives we truly accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord, then we no longer continue, we sleep and wait for Christ to return to get us. Most people however do not know that when a person dies they do not automatically go to Heaven or Hell. although God could do this if He so chooses. For it is written when Christ comes to gather His people the dead shall rise first then the living,
  • I Thess 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 
  If the dead shall rise first, that means they have not gone anywhere yet, that is why the Bible refers to them as sleeping. When Christ and John the Baptist would say, Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, They were not lying, for each person that was there, if they were to truly repent and accept Christ and were to die in that lifetime, it would only be minutes to them before Christ would come and get them because they are asleep.
  • Rev 20:5: But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
  • 1Cor:15:52: In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. The dead shall be raised, according to the thought of today, when you die, you go to Heaven or to Hell, what then when you die, you go to Heaven, then right before Christ comes, you go back to the ground so you can be raised from the dead in your new glorified body. Nay that is not the Truth, only precepts of men, and not based on what the Word of God teaches, but based on what man teaches. If the dead shall be raised incorruptible, with new glorified bodies, then the dead have not gone anywhere, they are asleep, waiting His Return, which to them will only be a second from the time they died or killed or whatever caused death until His Return.
  i know this sounds really hard to believe, but it is the Truth, God gives us many lives and many chances to accept Him and Truly be Saved. This is why God can take children, because He knows they will continue on to another life. However people do not want to think this, it makes them feel better to think that their child is in Heaven, to ease their pain. A person who walks into a fast food restaurant and kills all the men, women, and children in the place, those who were killed as a True Christian, their spirits would sleep until Christ came for them. The others who were not truly saved and children as well, will enter into another life, to have the same opportunities as everyone else did.

  There are far too many people who feel they had a past life. For example, a man who feels that he was born a woman in a mans body, in all probability his last life he was a woman, and visa versa for a woman. After having so many lives gone through, the previous life starts to bleed through, and now men feel like they should be a woman or a woman feels like they should be a man, this is because their past life is bleeding over into this one. Some even can remember what it was like being the opposite sex. All this is a brilliant plan of God's though. Each life a person fails to come to the Lord in, each life thereafter is not going to be easier but harder to accept Him as their Savior and Lord. For example:

  A spirit has had 100 lives over the past 6,000 years, they are now on life 101. Each 100 lives that spirit had has FAILED to accept Jesus Christ. What do you think life 101 is going to be on an island alone with a Bible? No temptations, no sinning whatsoever. That would be easy to accept and believe in Jesus Christ. NO, that life is going to be even harder then the previous 100 lives they failed to accept Jesus Christ. So this life on the 101 life, well life 100 as a woman is bleeding through to the life 101. Now this person is a homosexual, now it is even more harder to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord because the Bible says acts of Homosexuality is an abomination to God. So now in life 101 in order to come to the Lord Jesus Christ that person has to not only believe in Jesus but be willing to give up sex altogether. HARDER. Don't you see, each life that you fail to accept Jesus Christ, the next life will be all the more harder. Is it not written if you kick out one evil spirit from yourself, that the evil spirit will come back with even more wicked spirits, the second state of that person is worse than the one before.

  Is there any mention of reincarnation in the Bible, take the next paragraph.
  • Matthew 17:10: And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? 11: And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. 12: But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. 13: Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.
  John the Baptist was Elias, even John the Baptist did not know this, nor did anyone else, accept Jesus knew that John the Baptist had the reincarnated spirit of Elias. In the last verse when Jesus told them this, they did not argue or ask Him anything, did they have knowledge that reincarnation was real? If the 12 Disciples did not believe in reincarnation, why did they not ask Jesus to explain this mystery to them, as they asked about many other things Jesus said, "how can Elias be John the Baptist ?" But instead, Jesus just told them that Elias had already came, and they knew He was talking about John the Baptist. So then If John the Baptist was Elias (you do believe the Words of God, i hope) What of Elias, He lived during a certain time, than he lives again in yet another time by returning into the womb of Elizabeth to be born John the Baptist, or maybe Elias was caught away and slept until which point he entered into the womb of Elizabeth to be born John the Baptist? In all Honesty it doesn't matter which, the significance here is, that Elias lived in a time past and then returned as another person in another future time, both having the same spirit.

Matthew 22:23: The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, 24: Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. 25: Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: 26: Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.27: And last of all the woman died also. 28: Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. 29: Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30: For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.  (This is the Rapture) 31: But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 32: I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

  You see at this time there were some who believed in reincarnation, The Sadducees did not believe it, for they think when a man dies having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up children to his brother, so then all these brothers have married her, so they were wandering (remember these do not believe in reincarnation) . which of the brothers would have her as a wife. Jesus corrected them on this.  Jesus said that those in Heaven are neither married or given in marriage but are as the angels of God, which are neither male nor female. Jesus said in the last verse: God said I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. When a person dies they are not married, given in marriage, but are as angels of God, notice but are as angels, did not say they were angels of God, (therefore being in Heaven), but like angels of God, they are spirits.

  People read the Bible, Nowhere does it say when a person dies, he/she instantly goes to Heaven or Hell, Nowhere. Scriptures teach there is but one day, Judgment Day that determines who is and who is not going to go to Heaven. And there are verses which gives reference to the dead are still here and not in Heaven and/or Hell, (Acts 2:29,34), there are verses which give references that Heaven is not prepared for us until Christ comes, then Heaven will be prepared. There are references that Hell will be created when Satan will lose the last battle. If reincarnation is in fact True, then the Bible is accurate in what it says with no contradictions, if reincarnation is untrue, then there are Bible verses which just can't be explained and verses which contradict each other.

  The Bible talks of a Judgment Day, if when a person dies they straightway go to Heaven or Hell do they bypass the Judgment day, or do they go to Heaven wait there, only to come back to Earth to be judged on Judgment day, this does not make any sense, there is one Judgment Day that all will be Judged, therefore a person when He dies if he/she dies in the lord will sleep, if he/she did not die in the Lord, they have another chance, by a Loving and Caring God, in the next life.

  The day we stand in front of God, on Judgment Day, we will not only have to account for this life, but the other lives as well, being a woman, a man, a slave, rich, poor, and so forth, come that day, your spirit will remember all. And whoever stands before God whether child, woman, man, young, old, will be judged fairly and righteously, because everyone has been in every different circumstances known to man, and no person will have been tempted more then the next.

  i asked Jesus why is He giving this information to me now and not to the people a thousand years ago, He said because too many people would take thought, that in this life, they will live how they want and the next they would change and live better, i asked Him, Why now? He said

"There is only this life left "

  We are in the last days, no more lives, NO more chances, make this life count for Christ. It will be your last chance.

  Again i bring up this point : It does not matter if you believe or don't believe in reincarnation neither will this knowledge get you into the Kingdom of God. this subject is really not that important, and it does not make a difference in your Christian walk whether you believe or don't believe. It is something not to argue or even debate upon, for it will cause brothers and sisters to stumble. so if you believe, that is fine. if you don't believe, that is fine also. do not try to convince another what you believe if it will cause them to stumble, i have in this article, just wrote what i know to be the truth. i am not trying to convince anyone that it is the Truth. The thing that matters the most, Is that we only have this life left.

In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ